EU Erasmus + project: Echoes
2021-1-KA210-ADU-C28837F9 Erasmus+ (1.11.2022 - 1.1.2024)
What is about
Project seeks to use culture and "intangible" heritage for the sake of social cohesion and prosperity, as well as to support innovation, employment and growth through creativity. Our goals will be realized through the development of an intercultural dialogue between collaborating actors from two different EU countries through the audiovisual sector, developing research, innovation, multilingualism and external relations.
Project's main activities:
1. Development of Research Guide targeting to investigate the Intangible Heritage effects on social sustainability
2. Transnational Training activity for upskilling the interviewing team to conduct efficient interviews
3. Conducting intergenerational interviews
4. Creation of digital archive of life stories regarding lifestyle and perceptions of people from different generations
5. Installation of Info kiosks in the involved communities
6. Dissemination Event
The main tangible results of the project are:
• Development of Research Guide
• Training material for conducting efficient interviews
• Collection of research evidences from interviews
• Production of audiovisual material from interviews
• Short edited videos
• Production and design of Interactive digital environment
• Installation of interactive multimedia equipment like info-Kiosk (indoor touch monitors) in communities
• Archiving intangible heritage
Project pertners:
Centre Dot, Cyprus
Museum PEO, Cyprus
Jasa Association, Slovenia
Platonove akademije - Medgeneracijska soočenja (19.6.2023 BKTV)
Temeljni namen pogovorov oziroma "Platonovih akademij" je osvetljevati resničnost in iskati rešitve za prihodnost skozi medgeneracijsko izmenjavo izkušenj in mnenj. In to početi izvirno, v neposrednem dialogu, kot so počeli antični misleci. V razpravo pa vključevati tudi mladostnike ter jih tako pripravljati za tvorno udeležbo v družbenih procesih.
O temah življenjska samouresničitev, tradicija, nove tehnologije in usmerjanje zavesti so razpravljali pisatelj Anej Sam, novinarka Polona Frelih, psihologinja in psihoterapevtka Nuša Kovačevič Tojnko in dijak Ažbe Tirgušek Lipnik.
O temah izobraževanje, kariera, družina in organizacija družbe so izmenjevali izkušnje in videnja prof. dr. Vesna V. Godina, sociologinja ter socialna in kulturna antropologinja, Sendi Murgel, pravnica in socialna inšpektorica, dr. Gašper Pirc, filozof ter osnovnošolec Jaka Krošl.
Prva akademija: https://www.
Druga akademija: https://www.
Tretja akademija: https://www.
Povzetki na "Info kisosku":
Plemenitilno druženje, Konjeniški klub Karlo, 21.12.2023 ob 17h
Povzetki akademij na "Info kisosku" Echoes